Make Valentines for Homebound Seniors!
Positive Charge! PDX's family-friendly tradition of creating sweet Valentine cards for our senior friends served by the Meals on Wheels People—and more—is back!
Last year, this event was so popular it brought in nearly 1,200 beautiful handmade cards from artists of all ages, all over Portland—and made the recipients of the cards so very happy.
Let's make their day!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Valentine-Making Opportunities for Everyone . . . at home/school/work or in person!
Option 1 . . make Valentines at your convenience &
drop them off Jan. 13 - Feb. 3
Create your cards on your own time and drop them off at Portland area business locations by February 3 for us to pick up and deliver!
Hillsdale: 6352 SW Capitol Hwy.
Hawthorne: 1428 SE 36th Ave.
Driftwood Coffee 4604 SW Vermont
Montavilla Sewing Center - LO 429 1st St., Lake Oswego
PLEASE SIGN your cards before dropping them off. You can sign your FIRST NAME (no last names, please) or "YOUR FRIENDS AT POSITIVE CHARGE! PDX."
Given the diversity of seniors to whom the cards will be delivered, DO NOT INCLUDE RELIGIOUS REFERENCES (e.g., Jesus, Bible verses, etc.).
Please put your valentines in a PLASTIC BAG before dropping them in the collection bin. THANK YOU!
Option 2 . . . make Valentines together, in person
Sun., Feb. 4, 2:00-4:00 pm
Join us IN-PERSON at the SW Community Center in SW Portland as we meet up with friends, new and old, and create these cards of happiness together. Then PC! PDX angels will deliver them to the Meals on Wheels People and other seniors living in residential facilities.
Space is limited, so please register ASAP.
Positive Charge! PDX is grateful to the Southwest Community Center for choosing us for their PP&R Space Use Partnership, made possible through the generosity of Portland voters who approved the five-year Parks Local Option Levy (Parks Levy).